
Playing the long game for health

Stamina and endurance training can boost long-term health. By PETA BEE THE TIMES 12:00AM OCTOBER 4, 2019   Have you been working out in the wrong way? Pumping iron and performing exhausting short, sharp gym sessions may help with fat loss and gaining strength. But focusing too heavily on these workouts... (Read more)

Don’t argue; but exercise and eat nuts

Don’t argue; but exercise and eat nuts ‘Walnuts interact with the microbiome’ to produce beneficial effects on gut flora, reports The Journal of Nutrition. By Peta Bee The Times Run or cycle three times a week Most top athletes have superior gut health to sofa-surfers, but exercise more often and... (Read more)

Shortage of snooze nothing to sneeze at

Shortage of snooze nothing to sneeze at Taking work home with you can affect sleep and also your productivity Sean Parnell HEALTH EDITOR @seanparnell   11:00PM November 8, 2018 Maybe it’s the kids waking early. Or the curlews crying out through the night. Or the mozzies or the dogs or... (Read more)

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